AWS CLI Commands S3 management

Abhilash S
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2020


AWS S3 is the ideal solution for managing static files. Widely s3 buckets are used for backing up files , websites , web-apps and even mobile apps . Here is a quick guide to getting started with AWS Command-line interface from very installation to manage your buckets, copy files, sync folders and more


  1. AWS Account , if you dont have one , start from here
  2. A Linux server , VPS is enough you can start one with AWS or DigitalOcean

Install AWS CLI on your server

Download installer :-

]# curl ‘' -o ‘’

Unzip archive :-

]# unzip

Install executable :-

]# ./aws/install

Verify AWS CLI Installation

]# aws — version
aws-cli/2.0.57 Python/3.7.3 Linux/5.4.0–42-generic exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20

Now Configure with your AWS Credentials

First create an IAM User from inside your AWS console , This guide will help

Once you are set with your AWS Access ID and Secret Proceed to next step

]# aws configure

This will prompt you to supply Access ID and Secret , supply both and feel free to leave all rest questions for now

List all buckets inside your account

]# aws s3 ls

this will list all your buckets

List all folders inside an S3 bucket

]# aws s3 ls s3://bucketname

Create a Folder inside an S3 bucket

]# aws s3api put-object — bucket bucket_name — key folder_name/

List all contents inside an S3 bucket Recursively

]# aws s3 ls s3://bucket_name — recursive

To make this readable

]# aws s3 ls s3://bucket_name — recursive — human-readable — summarise

Copy local file to S3 Bucket

]# aws s3 cp file_name.txt s3://bucket_name/folder_name/file_name.txt

Copy a Folder to S3 Bucket

]# aws s3 sync ./folder_name s3://bucket_name/folder_name/

This is not a complete reference , if you got questions , reach us directly on our website or on twitter



Abhilash S

Solutions Architect @ Intertoons , Over 16 years of Collective experiences In Windows , Linux Developments , Redhat, Google Certified Professional