How to short list a Software company to develop your White labeled food delivery app

Develop using a White Label Food Delivery Apps for Restaurants

Abhilash S
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2023


Food Delivery app White Label

A white label food delivery app is a pre-built software solution that can be branded and customized by a company for their own use. The company can then use the app to offer food delivery services to customers under their own brand, rather than having to develop the app from scratch. This can save time and resources for the company, and is a cost-effective way for them to enter the food delivery market. Some white label food delivery app providers also offer additional features and services, such as real-time tracking and order management.

Advantages of White label food delivery apps

There are several advantages to using a white label food delivery app for your business:

Cost-effective: Developing a food delivery app from scratch can be expensive and time-consuming. A white label solution is already built and can be customized to fit your brand, saving you both money and resources.

Quick to market: Since the app is already built, you can launch your food delivery service quickly, allowing you to start generating revenue faster.

Customizable: White label solutions are usually fully customizable, allowing you to brand the app as your own and add your own unique features.

Scalable: As your business grows, you can easily scale the app to meet your needs.

Technical support: Many white label app providers offer ongoing technical support, which can be helpful if you encounter any issues with the app.

Real-time tracking: Some white label app providers offer real-time tracking, which allows you and your customers to track their food delivery in real-time.

Order management: Some providers also offer order management systems that allow you to manage and keep track of orders, and provide better service to your customers.

Detailed checklist of Food Delivery App Development

Here is a detailed checklist of the key elements that are typically included in the development of a food delivery app:

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: This includes creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for customers to browse menus, place orders, and track their deliveries.

Authentication and registration: This includes creating a secure registration and login system that allows customers to create an account, save their delivery information, and view their order history.

Menu and restaurant management: This includes creating a system for managing menus, including adding and editing menu items, managing prices and inventory, and handling special requests.

Payment integration: This includes integrating a payment gateway that allows customers to securely pay for their orders using a variety of payment methods.

Order management: This includes creating a system for managing orders, including tracking their status, communicating with customers, and managing delivery logistics.

Real-time tracking: This includes creating a system for tracking deliveries in real-time, so customers can see where their food is and when it will arrive.

Push notifications: This includes creating a system for sending push notifications to customers, such as order confirmations, delivery updates, and special offers.

Integration with other services: This includes integrating the app with other services such as Google Maps, social media platforms, and other delivery providers.

Security: This includes implementing security measures to protect customer data and ensure the app is PCI compliant.

Scalability: This includes designing the app in such a way that it can easily scale to meet the growing needs of your business.

Testing and launch: This includes testing the app to ensure that it is bug-free and ready for launch, and submitting it to the app stores for approval.

Food delivery app development Cost

The cost of developing a food delivery app in the United States can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the app, the number of features included, and the development team you choose to work with.

Generally, the cost of developing a basic food delivery app can range from $20,000 to $50,000. This cost can increase if you decide to include additional features such as real-time tracking, order management systems, or integration with third-party platforms.

However, If you want a more advanced and feature-rich app, the cost can easily reach $100,000 or more.

It’s also worth noting that the hourly rates for app development in the US are generally higher than in other countries, so you may be able to find a more cost-effective solution by working with a development team based outside of the US.

It’s always important to discuss with multiple providers and compare the cost and the services they offer, to make sure that you get the best deal and a perfect match to your needs.

We have a full featured white label food delivery app ready for any restaurant business in any country , have a look at

Our affordable Pricing is available here | This is pricing for India at the moment, there will be change in price when country changes, Write us for more exact pricing from here



Abhilash S

Solutions Architect @ Intertoons , Over 16 years of Collective experiences In Windows , Linux Developments , Redhat, Google Certified Professional