How did the e-commerce industry open up? Interesting? Let’s turn back!

Sumi S Mohan
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2021

E-commerce is most trending in this digital era! Do shopping sitting at home! It was more than magic beyond a few decades. When we try to dive into the history of the E-commerce industry, the first thing that strikes us is teleshopping. Electronic Data Exchange also paved the way for the evolution of the E-commerce industry as we see it today. CompuServe launch in 1969 marks the beginning officially. Coming forward, we understand the history of E-commerce is intertwined with the history of the internet.

Back in 1991, the internet was opened to the public. Amazon was the first E-commerce company in the US to start as an online bookstore. Their first mobile site was launched back in 2001. eBay comes next to amazon. Gradually by the end of the nineties, Yahoo and Gmail came into the picture. Today, both are having their E-commerce subsidiaries-Google Shopping and Yahoo! Auction. This emphasizes the critical value of the E-commerce system as a source of revenue.

E-commerce transactions came global in 1998 when Paypal was introduced for easy payment processing. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council formed in 2004 added to the security and ease of online transactions.

Coming forward, there was a real boom with better access to high-speed internet, widespread use of smartphones, and popularity of social media platforms that opened the doors for better product research and cost-effective alternatives. This has improved customer interest and participation. In short, E-commerce platforms have become better than a real store experience with the help of cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence.

Yes, it has changed the way we live, talk, buy things, and pay money! Today, everything right from the grocery to diamond necklaces is available online! Ratings and user reviews help you pick the best-Of course, a better shopping experience!

