Website SEO Questionnaire 2023

Abhilash S
Published in
1 min readJan 20, 2023

Basic SEO Questions to start with Websites

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash
  1. What is the primary goal of your website?
  2. Who is your target audience?
  3. What are the main keywords and phrases you want to rank for?
  4. Are there any specific geographic locations you want to target?
  5. What are your competitors doing in terms of SEO?
  6. What is your current traffic and search engine visibility like?
  7. Have you ever done any SEO work on your website before?
  8. Are there any technical issues on your website that could affect SEO?
  9. Have you claimed and verified your Google My Business listing?
  10. Are you regularly creating and publishing high-quality, relevant content?
  11. Are you using internal linking, meta tags and alt tags?
  12. Are you measuring and tracking your SEO progress?
  13. Are you using any tools to monitor your website’s performance and visibility?
  14. Are you planning to run any paid campaigns along with SEO?
  15. Do you have a mobile-optimized website?

Answering these questions will help you to identify the areas where you need to focus in order to improve your website’s SEO. Reach us for more details



Abhilash S

Solutions Architect @ Intertoons , Over 16 years of Collective experiences In Windows , Linux Developments , Redhat, Google Certified Professional