What are the common mistakes in an E-commerce marketplace?

Sumi S Mohan
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2021

The second wave of the Corona Pandemic has swept every nook and corner of the country. The repercussions drag and every entrepreneur is setting his sight at online marketing or E-commerce platforms. Unfortunately, owning a creative and functional e-commerce platform is not everyone’s cup of tea. There are a lot of pitfalls and you need to be extra vigilant to come out in flying colors. Some common mistakes that may lead to a dismal situation are,

Technical issues

Technical issues arise mainly in

i) Selection of an appropriate E-commerce platform

An ideal E-commerce platform will facilitate business growth both deep and wide. Talking to successful store owners and relevant online communities helps you gain a better understanding. If you run online sales on a dull platform, do migrate to a better one.

ii) Security investments

Most of the start-ups find the security investment as an extravagance. Consider security investments from an investment perspective as fraudsters have numerous doors ready to attack your website. Protect user credentials with HTTPS, secure payments with SSL certificates, installing efficient antivirus software are some top but basic tips to boost security.

Issues due to lack of research

i) Targeting the wrong audience

ii) Fail to identify potential markets

iii) Amateur product presentation concerning

  • Product pricing
  • Product description
  • Product images

Issues due to poor customer service

i) Ignoring social media

ii) Neglecting negative reviews

iii) No follow up with complaints

iv) No/complicated return policies

Issues due to a poor user experience

i) No categories

ii) Poor navigation

iii) Lack of filters

iv) Uneasy payment

v) Lack of shipping options

vi) Confusing check out

vii) Not mobile-friendly

viii) Lack of potential keywords

xi) Lacking multiple CTA s that stand out

These are some of the common mistakes in an E-commerce marketplace. How many have you made?

