A glass of water & a tree — words for practice — 40+8 Day 16

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2021

breathe in | breathe out


What love and protection
do you sense is needed
for your very own being?


A cup of water & a tree
Words for practice

Here you will find an invitation to rest
by drinking a glass of water
and being near a tree.
Feel free to practice these words,
and please, today,
love your being (and all beings)
by honoring its need for rest.

Now, fill a up a glass of water, and find a chair.

Rest here awhile.
Yes, please, sit down.
Let your body be still.

Shh. Rest.

Be gentle as you


Noise — thoughts humming

The release of muscles
activated who knows how long
the tension and soreness that remains

Be gentle as you notice

Gentle, as you allow
your body to settle

Here is a glass of water
Drink some
It’s life

Sip and notice
Cool life
as it moves
from the back of your tongue
through your chest
into your belly

Thank you, Water

Set down the glass.
Let water rest.

Stay. Rest here awhile.

When you’re ready.

Find a tree
Stand near it

Touch it with your hand
What does it tell you?
What do you tell it?

Stay by the tree.
Rest here awhile.

the thaw
the smells
the tiny insects
flying again
the breeze
the sun and shade

Here, you are.
Here am I.
Rest here awhile.

Take a deep breath of Enough.
There is Enough here.
Rest into Enough.
Rest here awhile.

(Photo by Alex Walker)


Logion 25

Love your brother and your sister
as your very own being.
Protect them as you would
the pupil of your eye.


