Advent Practice: Escape from Illusion | Waiting Still Day 8

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2021

Advent Adventure: Escape from Illusion
Day Eight | Waiting Still

Today, a meditation written and shared by Intertwiner, David Jones. David is a scientist with the state of Minnesota, a hard core bike commuter, and a student of Buddhist practice, amongst other things. Consider carving out 10–20 minutes to sit with these words. Thanks, David! What a gift, this invitation to simply breathe and be.


Sit and just be

Let the breath breathe you

Breathing in, I know I am breathing in

Breathing out, I know I am breathing out

Listen to the silence in all sounds
See the space that envelopes all form
Sense the stillness that waits until all movement is paused, in the darkness that holds all light

Until opinions, judging, discriminating, preferences and separating cease, the Way waits contently

The Great Nothing abides where and when there is no argument, no project, nothing to fix, prove, or defend

The God state arises when distracted distractions and burdened busyness settle and dissolve

Absent concepts, nothing is constructed or constrained — no fleeting fabrication, no dreamlike delusion

There is only the unmoved — unconditioned — original and infinite

Loving, living awareness that knows, remembers to pay attention

Rest in holy wholeness

Breathing in, welcome the in-breath just as it is

Breathing out, let go and smile

