Angel fist pumps | GoT logion 73

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

breathe in + breathe out


logion 73

The harvest is abundant.
The reapers are few.
Implore the Master of the Harvest
to send out workers.


The children know
Shirley Temples
Juice on their cheeks
an extension of their smiles

They’re on the floor
til they fall over
and grandma picks ’em up
and puts ’em to bed

All that twirling and hopping
All that laughing

The old ones know, too
They’re out there
Grandfather pointer fingers
He moves back and forth so gingerly
but so full of vigor
Daughters surrounding him
to catch him if he falls
But he’s already fallen
That’s why he’s out there

And then we have
the wallflowers…

Teenage minds
creating stories about
how foolish they look
through imagined other’s eyes

and, of course, men
corralled at the bar
or sitting at tables
showing off
how vulnerable they are
with their feigned invulnerability

they pretend Right
where we are is where we want to stay

I call bull shit

Play that song
Make it so irresistible

Crank it up!
Let ’em feel the bass
rattle their kidneys

Get on the floor!
Get Young
Get Wise

God damn, what a miracle!
What a gift
to Dance

And when he comes
When he is led
in fear and trembling
and so much gratitude
out onto the floor
All the angels getting low
Throwing their hands
in the air
They’ll see him
and fist pump


And he will feel their love
And he’ll know the freedom
he’s so longed for

He’ll bust moves
The Fool
They’ll all smile and yell

And one more at the bar
or sitting alone on a chair
foot tapping
will see him and know
I wanna be out there, too
I gotta dance
Angel, help me
Come take my hand
I’m ready

