Art for you Friday — Image by Cody Mathis, Poem by David Jones

Mike Rusert
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2021

Art for your Friday!
Check out two original pieces
from Intertwiners, Cody Mathis and David Jones

Part of the Divine(s)
Art by Cody Mathis inspired by Logion 30

Logion 30

Where there are three divinities,
God is present.
Where one or two exist, I am there.

Born Anew
Poem by David Jones

I met heaven today.

Sunlight streamed brightly.

So many birds — so many songs.

We turned the soil, trimmed bushes and gathered leaves. Insect beings. Plant beings: crocuses, hyacinths, wild violet.

Water, light, air and matter in continuous flow — flux.

The whole breathing living earth just is, here, now.

Nothing else necessary; no agenda or problems.

No regrets or leaning forward.

Things simply come into being and fade.

Life meets life again and again.

Each moment aging and born anew.

Every shifting, shining moment shapes the next.

We, preoccupied and habitually projecting “self and other” stories, forget how good it is…’til it isn’t.

But the gates aren’t closed or distant.

The keys we’ve hidden from ourselves are

here in the current.

Why wait?

Peace and breath
and eyes that behold Mystery
with you this weekend!

