Choreography for Awakening | Waiting Still/GoT Mashup

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2021

The Choreography of Awakening
Day Fourteen | Waiting Still + GoT Mashup**

In the early morning
or just after dinner
or when in the middle of the night
you are awakened by an angel’s whisper
light one candle
and move your body with the flame

Secret of secrets
The path is mapped out
in your arteries, veins and capillaries

There are many roads
from your head
back to you heart

Journey them

Next time your thinking
blocks your way
whether trauma-informed
comfort stuck
or just plain habit
Take a deep breath
and slowly move your hips
Now lift your leg
then paint the sky with your fingers
Roll your head
around and around

It is our bodies
we are trained to reject
It is our Body
that is the Key

You were made to Dance
and move mountains

(Altar by Rye Mohler and the Sesh)

**For those of you just tuning in with Intertwine, we’ve been exploring, since September 2020, the 114 sayings of the Gospel of Thomas (GoT) — an ancient wisdom text from the early Christian movement. For centuries, the GoT was thought lost to humanity, but in 1945 near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, a farmer dug up a sealed jar full of ancient scrolls including a full text of Thomas. Attributed to Jesus (i.e., Yeshua, in his native language), these sayings reflect the indigenous wisdom traditions of his time and place. We are exploring one logion (i.e., wisdom saying) a week.

We’re incorporating one GoT reflection a week during our 25 Days Waiting Still. If you’d like to explore previous sayings, check them out here:

breathe in + breathe out


logion 66

Bring me the stone
the builders discarded.
That one will be the key.

