Easter In These Bodies — a poem for Day 36 of 40+8

Mike Rusert
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2021

breathe in | breathe out



What is possible for us
when we tend to these bodies?


Logion 29

Yeshua says,

If flesh came into exstence
for the sake of spirit,
it is a wonder,
but if spirit exists for the sake of flesh,
it is a wonder of wonders.
I am truly astonished how such richness
came to dwell in such poverty.



This is not a throw away world
These are not throw away bodies

I remember hearing
it’s the next one that matters
That this flesh was not to be trusted
Single use and faulty
This is how we can stomach
drilling and spilling
Choking out and never lifting the knee

But we can’t stomach it
I could never stomach it

And so we buried it all
deep in these bodies
— the memory, the shame, the trauma -
but what is concealed will be revealed
what is buried will be raised

It’s time for Easter in these bodies

These bodies — they know death
All our masks cannot hide
Centuries of war raged on these bodies
bell hooks calls it
“white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy”
An empire built on distorted ideals
where one body matters
and the rest are trampled upon
Turned into bricks for the one’s perfect

But Christ says,
Tear down the temple.
I in You, You in I, We can rebuild it
in just three days

Wind, Fire and Water
All these bodies need
We already have
Rebuild. Take back the pieces of you
that have been twisted and distorted
for that False temple

Let the Wind — that Divine breath -
Let it topple
the last bits of Empire still standing in you
Ruach, blow!

Christ, spark in all created
Stoke and blaze
Balm that burns. Transforms.
Listen. Touch. Tend to these bodies
with healing fire

And come to the River
Meet Her here
Sophia. Enter Her womb again
Be carried by Her waters
Cared for. Reconstructed
into the Divine temples
these Divine bodies are

Gush and Labor
Be born into these bodies
with scar and memory
of the Death cult’s plastic temple
How it could not contain us

We are Bodies
Temples growing deep roots
reaching to the Moon
with feathers in our branches
We are dancers, graceful, powerful
We Create a New Earth
of the Earth
We are a healing Flood


P.s., Come be bodies together, this Easter Sunday
Digital Gathering — April 4 (10–11:15am Central)

These bodies are carrying a lot.
A lot of death and loss, loneliness and fear.
A lot of creativity and surprise, joy and pleasure.
Let’s tend to these bodies with care.
Let’s listen deeply to them.
Let’s allow them to Awaken us.

We’ll have a morning of embodied practice.
A song from our favorite family band, Stingray.
And Rye will create an art piece live
with which we’ll practice visio divina together.

Through care and practice
we are coming to know
Easter in these bodies


