Everything hidden, revealed — GoT Logion 5

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2020

breathe in + breathe out


logion 5

Come to know the One
in the presence before you,
and everything hidden from you
will be revealed.

For there is nothing concealed
that will not be revealed,
and nothing buried
that will not be raised.


Reflection: Many of us are experiencing fatigue from COVID quarantine, relationships, racism, polarized politics, etc. We feel stuck. Trapped.

Pause. Breathe. Listen.

Now is the time for practice. We are not the news. We are not the noise. We are not doomed to carry out our moments lost in habits, judgments and fear. We get to learn to be present — to discover a well of enough deep within and energy flowing through and around us from beyond.

What if in doing this inner work, we began to recognize the Source of love and possibility present in every moment and face and happening that we encountered? What if — through practice and through the care of community/earth/Mystery — we found oursevles set free from the traps? What if — through listening — stuck turned to flow?

Pause. Breathe. Listen. Wonder.

Come to know the One in the face of that person who you’ve tired of (not) seeing — even and especially if it’s your face in the mirror.

Come to know the One in puddles covered with yellow and brown leaves. In the untwisting of the toothpaste cap. In the grace of a glass of water. In the crust of bread.

Come to know the One in the surprise of an apology and lightness of forgiveness. In the humility and courage of choosing empathy.

There is so much more going on here than meets the I — all caught up in ourselves and our habits. So, with gentleness and compassion…

Pause. Breathe. Listen. Wonder. Dance.

Another moment.
The revelation of Enough.
The raising up of possibility.

Intertwine is going inward. We are beginning a season — as cooler weather moves in and quarantine persists — of developing our inner life. To aid us on the journey, we’re engaging the wisdom contained in the Gospel of Thomas, an ancient mystical Christian text. Lynn Bauman’s translation and commentary are the primary source for these reflections. Those of you who want to dig in even deeper, consider purchasing his books: Find Lynn’s basic GoT translation (in The Luminous Gospels) and his exceptional commentary (In Trouble and In Wonder) here.

