Full Moon & Setting Sun calling us to cross this threshold | Waiting Still Day 19

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2021

Angels, help us cross this threshold
Day Nineteen | Waiting Still

A gateway opened last evening
Driving again on country roads
Oaks and corn stubble jutting
from beds of white snow
now turning a grayish purple

Mirrored on the Eastern and Western
Altitude and azimuth aligned
The Full Moon and Setting Sun

I’m sure it happens
more often than I notice
Or maybe it was rare
But never before had I seen
these Celestial beings
appear with such synchronicity

All I know is it captured me
It was beautiful


Early this morning
as light from that full moon
lit silhouette of a whitetail
running through the backyard
I realized the Celestials
have brought before us
another threshold

Omicron on the rise
and our patience waning
Hospitals and health workers
burning up like falling stars

We are asked to journey inward
To practice restraint
during this time of excess
To be found by simple joy
in small spaces
not chasing shades of what was
not depending upon external
pleasures to make things okay

We are being asked to say yes
to community
by saying no
and by practicing a more generous
form of creativity
We are being called upon
to be responsible
to one another
even at a distance

Angels, come to us
Sing, “Do not be afraid”
Give us the courage
to say no
and the inspiration we need
to travel the immensity
of these tiny spaces well

Teach us the art of veneration
Hold our pilgrim hands
as we cross the limen
Be with us in this darkness

