I dream of big parties by the lake | GoT logion 77

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2022

breathe in + breathe out


logion 77

I am the light
shining upon all things.
I am the sum of everything,
for everything has come forth from me,
and towards me everything unfolds.

Split a piece of wood,
and there I am.
Pick up a stone,
and you will find me there.


I dream of big
by the lake

These eternal
of play and feasting
and loved ones
all together

During the day
we’d splash in
Your Water
and tell stories
make each other laugh

We would hug
and play catch

We’d grill food
and sing grace

As night settled in
We’d sit by the fire
Watching the flame
Sparks dancing
their way back home
to the stars

We would whisper
and wonder
and smile


God, One Source
Help me to see
I am
With You
All of You
by the Fire

