if bell’s last breath is this squall line | Waiting Still Day 16

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2021

if bell’s last breath is this squall line
Day Sixteen | Waiting Still

bell hooks died
and there was a storm
like no other
Across the Great Plains
and the whole Midwest
Do you believe it
December Minnesota tornado
Hell, it’s still blowin

But look at the trees
Even trembling poplar
Bend don’t break
Sway with the wind

is stronger
than any force
whose ways are domination

A mostly hidden
network of roots
Hold fast
the community
Even the lone spruce
Rooted in Love
can withstand gales
and cleanse the air for centuries

I wonder if bell’s last breath
is this squall line
Not a breath seeking to blow over
but one last gift
All the hot air
moved along by Love’s exhale
bringing the cold
the kind that feeds introspection

You are worthy of Love
Your soul matters
You are loved
Feed those roots

P.s., To the men out there,

“Men need to hear that their souls matter and that the care of their souls is the primary task of their being. Were all men seeking to uncover greater soulfulness in their lives rather than seeking power through a dominator model, then the world as we know it would be transformed for the better.”
bell hooks, The Will to Change

