Loosed by the Moon — a poem for the Water

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2021

The orange film
of scorched earth
over full moon
Drought and constant heat
It’s loosing something wild in us

Follow the crow call
Howl with coyotes
Foam at the mouth
though parched with thirst
Stream beds dry
Gooseberry’s not falling

Thump Thump Thump Thump
Faster — drum beat heart -
Love and righteous anger

Step out into the night
Be held by Her glow
and call on Them
Gichi Manido, Wakan Tanka, Yahweh
Ancestor Stars
Christ, Nibi, Mni
Trees and plant beings
Bats and birds
All you four-leggeds
and my human sisters, brothers, siblings

Send your Legions! Wake us up! Help us Remember!

Loose this desire
damned up in this mind
conditioned to be fearful and complacent
Release Waters of courage
Let them flow through these capillaries

They’re draining the rivers dry
They’re imprisoning our elders
the ones who know the path to healing
They’re banking on us staying uncomfortably comfortable


Come to the Water!
Stand under the moonlight
and let the song raise the hair on your arms
Stand again in the sunlight
and sweat and feel
dust on your feet
Sip the Water of Life
and be radicalized
Shooting your roots deep into Earth

You who see the Moon’s face
You are Earth and Water
You are being called back to Her body
Remember and protect

And know you will have Enough

Come to the Water
They’re poisoning the Water
Come to the Water
Come home, human

Friends, Enbridge continues dewatering during this drought. Our DNR signed over 5 billion gallons of Minnesota water to them — a foreing multinational oil company — in June. On top of that, there have been multiple frac-outs — where drilling mud and chemicals are released into rivers and water bodies — the most recent occurring within miles of the Mississippi Headwaters. It’s time to stand up. Time to love and protect the Water. There are many ways to be in action. Make pilgrimage north to the LIne. Call Governor Walz, the MPCA, DNR, and President Biden. Work to Defund Line 3 by holding financial institutions to account. And pray with and for the water and Nibi Walkers currently walking the entire line (Follow their story at nibiwalk.org)

