Make the angels bow | Poetry inspired by GoT logion 88

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2022

Every seven years
all the cells in our body
die and fall away


Let the cells of the lenses
of my eyes drop like scales
Let them peel away
like the Earth peeled light
from the Moon

Full in Scorpio
Total eclipse

When the light returns
New Eyes
They’ll see
the Angels
who’ve been with us the whole time

The Astral Beings
and Prophets
Communion of Saints

Thank you, Ancestors

They called on Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
all the time
but we’ve been trained
to dismiss it as woo woo?

No more

I call on you, Ancestors
Melchizedek, anoint me
Miriam, give me rhythm

Shiphrah and Puah teach me
how to make room for the babies
who will topple this system down
by raising all my relatives up

Mary, give me the courage to say

Come, you Angels
Host of Heaven on Earth
Planets, Stars and Light Beings
Bless and guide
And I
And We
will do wondrous works
beyond even your imagination

Greater things

We will cause angels to bow
We’ll kiss their heads
and they’ll wrap us
in wings of Light

And our bliss
will make the Creator smile

breathe in + breathe out


logion 88

The angels and the prophets
will come and bring you
what already belongs to you,
and you will give to them
what you have to give

But ask yourself this:
When may they come
and receive back from you
what already belongs to them?


