Nepotism & apocalypse | Day 11 | Keep going inward + GoT logion 79

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2022

Nepotism & Apocalypse | Day Eleven | Keep Going Inward & Gospel of Thomas Logion 79

Bloodline blessings and curses
Nepotism and apocalypse

The days are surely here when
couples ask themselves
Do we really want to bring children into this world?

Meanwhile a mother tried
to bring her kids back to church
but they left 20 minutes in
Couldn’t stomach the same ‘ol
smell of death

Graham Nash sang
Teach your children
but the truth got lost in translation
when it was forcibly removed
from its place


What answer do you give
to the couple separated in Ukraine
to the Russian soldier who will return in shame
to the dying ones in a famished Madagascar
to anxious neighbors right where you are

How do you console your own despairing heart

Life is hard
but its unbearable
when we forget we are loved
when we forget we are love

We are Love

Children, that is all you need to know

let me show you


breathe in + breathe out


logion 79
A woman in the crowd said to him,
“Fortunate is the womb which bore you,
and the breasts that noursihed you.”

Yeshua turned to here and said,
“The ones who hear the Father’s Word
and guard its truth are very fortunate.
But the days are coming when you will say
‘Lucky is the womb that never bore,
and the breasts that never gave milk.’”


