Opening the Gates to Now through Practice — GoT Logion 52

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2021

breathe in + breathe out


logion 52

His students asked him,
“Each of Israel’s twenty-four prophets
spoke about you.”

Yeshua said,
“You ignore the living one
in your presence
and talk only about the dead.”


Nostalgia never reaches
back far enough
Never brings forward
enough of the story
Goes treasure hunting
leaves the jewels
returns with an empty chest
that proceeds to swallow
the one carrying it

Worry is a dreamless
and restless
A cold mind’s eye
always looking for signs
of some glorious disaster

We have within us
twenty-four jewels
Two at each of the
twelve sacred points
inherent to these bodies
Gates to the City of Now

Twelve are for the Ancient Ones
carrying worn baskets of
daily bread
seasoned with wisdom
tasting of enough

Twelve for Love’s children
Bags of dreams
and seed
in tender hands
Knowing smiles and play in their eyes

If we live today
one hand clenching
the way it was and should be
the other grasping at air
and clutching spectres,
how do we open the gates
and receive
the gifts
the ancestors and future ones
desire to give us?

Gently open your hands
Your shoulders
Your chest

Living One

Gut and loins
Your feet
Head slightly bowed

Now hum

Until your gates
shake free
and agates, diamonds,
opals and garnets
spill from
Your mouth




