Practice Stopping — 40Days+8Questions — Day Twenty-Seven

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2021

breathe in | breathe out



How is this human world eating you up,
and how might mindful restraint
and rest free you to feast
on a deeper Reality?



Many of us have been
running all our lives.
Practice stopping.

- Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Buddhist Teacher)

Please, today, practice stopping.
Sit. Breathe. Be.

Slow down.

Smell earth. Listen to birds.
Watch the water.
Be rooted like a tree.

Stop running.
The Enough you’ve been chasing
is already here.

Photo by Alex Walker


Logion 27

If you do not fast from the cosmos*,
you will never grasp Reality.
If you cannot find rest
on the day of rest,
you will never feast
your eyes on God.

(* i.e., “the realm of human invention and convention” — translator, Lynn Bauman)



Today, March 20 is the Spring Equinox
& Day 35 of Tania Aubid’s hunger strike.
You are invited to join hundreds today
who are fasting in solidarity.

Fast for the Water, earth, and all life
impacted by this tar sands oil pipeline,
including the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women.

This is a prayerful and intentionally public act.
Please help tell the story

There are many ways to hold fast.
Consider refraining from food
and/or petrol as part of a practice.
Also, if you can, be near water for part of your day.
Prayerfully listen and connect with Water.

Thank you for standing up to protect the Water.
#WaterIsLife #StopLine3

If you like, RSVP to Solidarity Fast event page on FB

