“Seek After The Place” — Visio Divina — 40+8 Day Eleven

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2021

breathe in | breathe out


Whose light has touched your life?



Visio Divina

Each Monday, we’re sharing an image created by Cody Mathis,
informed by his sitting with the logion for that week.
Cody’s sketches are interpreted and digitized by Rye Mohler.
You’re invited to practice visio divina, letting their art speak to you. Below are the image and more instruction for your practice.



“Seek After The Place”


Visio Divina, or “sacred seeing,” is a
contemplative practice in which you open
to a deep — even Divine — encounter
as you sit with an image, letting it speak to you.

Here are some suggestions for practice:

Set aside time to be with this image.
Maybe five, ten or even twenty minutes.
Get comfortable, and take some deep, settling breaths.

As you begin, scanning all areas and details,
allow your mind to make it’s noticings.
Let your interpretations come.

Sitting longer with the image,
allow those thoughts and details to settle.
Be gentle and patient.
Let go of interpretation and expectations.

Stay with the image,
quietly opening your heart’s eye to receive.
Listen deeply.
What might the image speaking or inviting you to?

As part of your practice, you may wish to
sketch the image and what your listening reveals.
Perhaps journal about your experience with it.

As you bring your practice to a close,
consider thanking the image for how it has ministered to you.


Logion 24

His students said to him,
“Take us to the place where you are,
since we are required to seek after it.”

He answered them,
“Whoever has an ear for this
should listen carefully.
Light shines out from the center
of a being of light
and illuminates the whole cosmos.
Whoever fails to become light
is a source of darkness.”


