Spring & ending Intertwine Chapter One

Mike Rusert
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2022

On closing this first chapter of Intertwines’ life together…

Wow, I love you.

I’m filled with gratitude that you are in my life.

What a gift to have come into the presence of each of you through our time creating Intertwine.

Thank you.

We have traveled through some awesome change over 6+ years. We shaped a beautiful, powerful, perfectly imperfect spiritual community during a great crumbling and reckoning. We journeyed together during pandemic, the Uprising and more. We did this with care and friendship and good spiritual work.

Thank you for your stories and creativity. Thank you for sharing your desire for something deeper together.

A waning of our time together has come

with pandemic,

with the ending of the ELCA’s supporting relationship with Intertwine,

and with my family’s move to my old hometown of Big Lake (Monticello).

While I had initially hoped to pick up regular gatherings after a period of sabbath, it seems it’s time to close this first chapter of Intertwine to make room for what’s next. My hope is that these next chapters include continued relationships with you.

I was talking with an Intertwiner a couple months back.

I mentioned I sometimes feel this pressure to gather people again.

He invited me to trust the seeds that we’ve sown together

will germinate and grow in their right time.

This is true for us as individuals and collectively.

It was a gift to hear this.

I trust it completely.


Here are the seeds that are germinating in me

I’ve launched a Patreon page to grow and support my writing and the other elements of my work, including what’s below. I hope you’ll consider supporting my work if that is something you feel moved to do.

The Intertwine social media channels will be phased out after Easter and the conclusion of “40 Days | Keep Going Inward.” Our email list will also transition.

I intend to regularly share writings and spiritual practices. I will be sharing these via new personal channels and through Patreon. If my writings and the practices I craft have nourished you, I hope you’ll follow my new channels and share them with others. The Patreon is live now.

Watch for my new channels to emerge!

Writing: I love to write poetry. I’m gonna keep writing, and I trust it will evolve and expand. I’ll continue to write devotional pieces and spiritual practices as well. I’m also exploring opportunities to share visual expressions of my writing at events, galleries, and through video.

Gatherings: The truest expression of Intertwine’s life together is friends gathered around a fire. I plan to continue, a handful of times a year, to invite folx to get together around bonfires, at picnics, river floats, etc. I also see retreats and artist/activist gatherings in the future.

Men’s Spiritual Work: Last fall, six men joined me at my home. Many of us had connected through our Detoxifying Masculinity sessions. Together over a weekend, we built the bones of my garden and opened up to one another around a fire. It was powerful. I will continue to work and sit with men so that together we might heal and become warriors who tend gardens.


More to come. Follow @seshcamp on Instagram and watch for updates on my Patreon.

Peace and breath and gratitude


