Stop getting pumped up about your possibility and then shutting yourself down. (Why I need Intertwine.)

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2016

We’re so good at it.

Deep inside of us is this passion. We have this pull to create something… to follow our dream… to make a difference. And it is such a part of our being — not forced or fabricated.

Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s that thing deep down you really want for your life and life around you. That cause you want to immerse yourself in. That healing you want to initiate. That passion you want to act on. That world you want to create.

I want to fall in love. I want to be a philosopher. I want to dismantle racism in my community. I want to be honest with my boss. I want to start a community that has the freedom to question, wonder, wander, and create together…

We get all pumped up because we’ve gotten this little taste of how amazing life could be — of what we’re capable of — then we shut ourselves down.

We start rehearsing the stories about how it won’t work. We tell ourselves we’re being selfish, or we’re being unrealistic, unreasonable.

We worry about how we’ll screw it up, or how other people might be offended, or won’t understand.

Or maybe we start. We begin the work. We take our first steps down that rabbit hole that we know will bring us so much life, and then we encounter that person or obstacle — that conversation — that door slammed in our face — and we’re stopped.

We want to turn around. The nosebleeds don’t happen as often up there… but the truth is, nothing happens up there.

Security? Not really. That’s an illusion.

It’s just us, resigning ourselves to what the world would do to us.
But at least it’ll chew us up and spit us out a little more gently… maybe.


That’s not the life I want to live.

I’ve got too many amazing things to create with people. I’ve got too many conversations the can lead to healing and possibility for myself and others.

It’s been over a year of creating Intertwine Northeast. In reality it’s been working on me my whole life. There’s been lots of closed doors, but somehow, they always seem to lead to a more amazing and life-giving open one.

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I’m not made for status quo.

You aren’t either.

The world needs you to be YOU more fully.

We need each other to help one another through the fear, insecurity, and nosebleeds.

I’m so grateful for the community that has supported me through my fears and nosebleeds.

Let me return the favor.

What do you want to create with your life? The world is in such great need.

We’re hear for you. Be of good courage. Do it! Create it! You’re not alone.

