Stop Hiding in There. Live that Story Deep Inside of You.

Mike Rusert
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2018

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” — Maya Angelou

We are storied creatures. We are made of and moved by stories. Stories are how we understand and interact with the world. And you are creating a story with your life, right this moment.

So, what story are you living?

Most of us spend too much of our lives living in stuck stories — stories that keep us small, afraid, and disconnected.

We don’t have to stay stuck.

The truth is, WE HAVE AGENCY IN CREATING OUR LIVES FORWARD. We get to write our life story in each moment.

And, WE CAN REWRITE STORIES FROM OUR PAST. WE CAN HEAL. WE CAN BE FREE. We don’t have to stay small, afraid, and disconnected.

We can change our stories of “not enough” to gratitude and generosity. We can change our powerless stories of “I always screw that up” or “he-she-they are ruining our lives” to stories of compassion and creativity in action.

This isn’t about denial of the past or blissful ignorance. It’s about healing and connection. IT’S ABOUT PRESENCE AND REPSONSIBILITY — FREED FROM FEAR AND POWERLESSNESS, WE CAN CREATE A BETTER WORLD.

You have a story worth living and creating. You don’t have to be stuck, neither in those stories of the past, nor in anxieties for the future. YOU GET TO CREATE THIS MOMENT, and all the moments that will follow.

Now, if you’re like every other human being that ever existed, your moments of healing and beauty and connection will quickly be replaced with stories of fear, scarcity and scapegoating. Fear is sticky. It’s maybe our default way of being.

We don’t have to journey alone.

It seems that in order to live more consistently in those spaces of love and connection rather than those of fear, we need the support of two things: community and the wisdom and practices of a spiritual path (I’ll be sharing more about this in a future blog post). It’s just too hard, alone, to live outside of our fear.

So, get yourself connected and supported. Buck the default. And stop agonizing. Instead, get to creating that story that’s inside of you! The world needs more beautiful stories like yours!

P.S. This is what Intertwine & The Wildwood Theatre were claiming in our recent two-part series called “What’s Your Story?” Through performance, storytelling, conversation and journaling, we spent time identifying the stories we’ve been living in, both the helpful and the harmful. Then we claimed our agency in re-writing and creating new stories with our lives moving forward. This is what each of our communities are about. If you’d like to connect more with either of us, click these links for more information about upcoming event:

The Wildwood Theatre

Intertwine Northeast

