The Same River Flows in You — Day 9 of Simplicity

Mike Rusert
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2020

Day Nine — Notice — 25 Days of Simplicity

I love this photo (thanks, Alex Walker for noticing, photographing and sharing). Through some magic, there is a meandering river in this leaf. It’s beautiful.

It helps me take notice.
It reminds me that same magic is in me.
There is a river meandering
through my very body, right at this moment.

It rushes
life through my capillaries
to my fingers and toes, my gut, my lungs, my heart -
eyes and other organs
these gifts that help me notice.

Thank you, River.

Thank you, Mississippi.
You, Water.
Gift of life.

Today, I choose to take notice of your generosity.
Today, as I take a shower, turn on the faucet, wash, drink
I notice. I say to you, “Thank you, River.”

Today, I also take notice.
I notice Anishinaabe women,
Water Protectors,
are caring for you
leading the resistance of Enbridge’s Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline.

I notice you flowing through them
as prayer-infused breaths of you leave their mouths
to form healing clouds.

Today, I notice the same river that runs in them, runs in me.
I notice, and I am moved to gratitude and care-filled action.

Today, during this pandemic, I notice.
I notice that a pipeline is being built, right now,
through Northern Minnesota.
Through Anishinaabe territory.
Through wetlands and forest.
Through the waters
that grow walleye and wild rice.
Through you, Mississippi.
You, Generous Artery, of Earth’s heart.
I notice.

Today I notice that the same river
that runs through the Water Protectors,
and through me, and the leaf, and through you,
it runs through the construction workers,
and under kevlar vests through the hearts of law enforcement
carrying guns with rubber bullets,
through our elected officials making choices
and choosing not to make choices
and impacting so many lives.
It runs through executives and stockholders
of multi-national corporations
whose senses have become dulled by money
who have forgotten that water is life.

The same river.
I notice.

And I am moved to prayer.

Great Love,
rushing Spirit,
course through this body — through these bodies

Erode the hardened banks within
Those places compacted by fear, greed,
comfortable complacency
or by despair.
Soak this body. Soften it.
Help this body remember what is Enough.
Carry this body, as we give ourselves
back to the care of your Flow.

And in your right time, and now,
transform us. Make us Living Water,
that we would draw from our innermost depths.
That creative,
and wild
loving action would flow
out from our bodies,
like clear

Stir up our sleeping wisdom
Teach us to notice
Teach us to care for you,
Caring River.
Thank you.

Please, today, take notice.
Notice the gift of water.
Notice that water is life.
And as you drink a glass of living water,
ask of it
to stir up in you
a deeper love for all of life.

If you want to learn more about Water Protectors, and of Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline, and if you would like to care for the water even during this pandemic, there are several ways to stay informed and get involved.

First and foremost, notice and pray. And, as shared above, let that prayer stir up wise and loving action within you.

You can also follow and support indigenous-led Water Protection movements. Groups to follow, support, and connect with to take action:
Stop Line 3 & Honor the Earth
As well these groups on Facebook: Giniw Collective, Rise Coalition, and Gitchigumi Scouts.
Faith-based groups or individuals can also connect with Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light for resources and ways to get involved.

And, if you’re able, Water Protectors are inviting those who feel called to pray for the water to make their way up north. Efforts are being made to keep people safe during this time of pandemic. Mask up. Show up.

And show up, wherever you are, in love and care for water.

Peace and breath and clean water with you today

