To hell and back with Mary | Day 40 | keep going inward

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2022

To hell and back with Mary | Day Forty | Keep Going Inward

Did Jesus have his hair up or something?
Or was he wearing a big hat
when Mary mistook him for the gardener?

Maybe he was gardening
That makes sense
The garden is the space
where death becomes life

I’m not convinced she didn’t
recognize him right away
I mean, she never really left his side
Even when he was dying on the cross
there she was

And when they laid him in the tomb
there she sat
right outside the door
Some say, in a meditative state,
she journeyed with Jesus
through dimensions only known to the dead

I believe them

Mary, may I sit with you today?
Mary, will you teach me how to pray?

Show me how to make that journey
How to yoke to the Christ

Mary, would you open the door?

Together, the three of us will travel
all the seven realms of delusion
carrying a basket of apples
from the garden he was tending

Holding hands
You and I will watch and listen and smile
as Christ breaks their power with a word
and a slight movement of that blessed hand
Then we’ll give each spirit of delusion
an apple to chew on
and our forever goodbye

Wholly free, we’ll ascend
Body + Soul
Eyes of our Heart
wide open

Resurrected bodies
Dancing in a waking April garden

Mary, please, teach me
Mary, I’m ready, take me with you
Mary, thank you

