Waiting at the pharmacy | Waiting Still Day 4

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2021

Day Four | Waiting Still

In the hallway next to the bathroom
and in the tiny doorless pharmacy
This is where we waited
Next to the spinning tower of Get Well
and Happy Birthday cards
Across from the wall of cheap toys
Glow-in-the-dark silly putty
Stuffed animals with oversized eyes
Fine $12 jewelry on the top shelf

This is where we waited
Me and my 3 and 7-year-old
the latter had bravely just received her second jab
The pharmacist gave them both suckers
and the 15-minute sentence
to stick around and make sure
she doesn’t have some kind of reaction

Kids, wrapped suckers in hand
masks over their noses and mouths
How many more minutes?
I was asking more than they were

Later that evening we ordered pizza
We waited over an hour
I watched for lights to come up the road
and the kids and I danced
When the driver finally made it
she was very apologetic
The other driver is at home
with COVID

The next morning
waiting for the school carpool
my daughter suggested we go on a walk
In the ditch off the cul de sac
I picked juniper berries
and she came upon a magical realm
between the oak and the cedar

We wait
a lot

Waiting on a train
a diagnosis
a birth
Waiting for deer in the woods
for paint to dry
for inspiration to come

We’re waiting for things
that still haven’t happened
and some that never will

Waiting consciously
and unconsciously
So much of this life is waiting

I could ask you
what are you waiting for
but maybe a more helpful question is
how are you waiting

Next time I find myself waiting
I’ll take a deep breath
and I’ll whisper
“Thank you”

Here I am
Alive and Waiting
What a crazy beautiful mystery

