Why do I explain away magic? | Day 12 | Keep going inward

Mike Rusert
Published in
Mar 15, 2022

Why do I explain away magic? | Day Twelve | Keep Going Inward

I’ve had these moments
Magic + Mystery
Flames jumping
Light beings descending
Coming near

Most of these
I’ve later sought
to rationalize

Not because I want to
but because I’ve been conditioned
to explain away
to dismiss
to doubt magic
and myself

Poor thing, come here
Come sit on the couch
with me
Bring all your explanations
and all your disbelief

Put them in this hat
and watch as I wave my wand

Now, reach in and pull them out

See, Magic is real
Be responsible for it




Published in intertwine

We gather around questions not answers. We are made of and moved by story, always in process, committed to compassion, and seeking simplicity together. Based in Northeast Minneapolis.