Get the most out of tech conferences, developer conferences

Interview Buddy
Published in
1 min readMar 15, 2020


Definitely the most important is to meet other developers. These might be your future co-founders, CTOs, interviewers, referrals, employers…

Map out the sessions, prioritize useful sessions before going. Planning out who to meet and speak to.

Bring business cards. Link to Github profiles, social media and contact such as emails

Prepare a mini pitch about my career, resume, or startup

Get certified at conferences. Receive training. Sign up for in-person expert office-hours.

Get involved, contribute. Lead a workshop, volunteer

Live tweet resources, sessions, interesting quotes and resources. Take notes, share notes.

Networking. Meet with recruiters. Ask about what positions are currently hiring, who is the person of contact, what is the technical stack

Have fun! Get the best swags. Join after parties. Pick up stickers. Book signing.

Participate in themed Hackathons.

Find livestream link, github repo link, slides link

Incorporate travel, international travel into tech conferences and planning

Attend a diversity dinner, event or group at the conference.

The ultimate conference goer one day strives to be a conference speaker. It looks great on your resume and will lead to more conference speaking opportunities. Some conferences are marked as all welcome, beginner speaker friendly, or offer diversity opportunities, look for those starter opportunities. Virtual conferences make it possible to accommodate more speakers thanks to lower cost, easier attendance.

