Smart Developers, Rejected all the Time

Interview Buddy
Published in
9 min readSep 28, 2021


The dark and risky side of Silicon Valley explained. Well-being in tech.

Today we are writing in a different format. We want to communicate with our community on a personal level and show you the dark side of silicon valley: the interview … warning this article may contain trigger words please do not proceed if you do not want to read about rejections, burnout, stress and depression, suicide in the tech sector. Why those dark topics? By understanding the dark side, it will help everyone get less stressed and reset. The process is hard and it takes time. In seemingly merit based tech sphere, there is much frustration and unfairness. That’s the beauty of it. When resources are scarce and competition is intense, something is bound to go wrong. And you, our dear readers should know. The difficulties you experienced are not alone. Hope this article serves as a beacon of guidance to those in silicon valley, heading to silicon valley or heading into tech. Disclaimer : we do not have psychological evaluation or psychological medical background. All our discussions are for discussion purposes only. The conversation we had with a psychologist friend is also casual, non-specific and not meant to be used as advice.

Darks side of recruiting 🌘

People will ignore you at times. Don’t give up.

Have you ever heard of ghosting? 👻 Used when a viable candidate is suddenly ghosted by a recruiter when hiring directives changes : better candidates came along, hiring…

