Achieving Balance in the Workplace Power Dynamic

Zvi Epner
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2023

As the impact of employers on employees’ personal lives becomes more significant, issues of fairness and equity come to the fore. As we reshape our working environments, we have the opportunity to establish an ideal employment structure that eliminates power imbalances stemming from unspoken resentments, subjective decisions, and other interpersonal challenges.

We must strive for simpler expectations and guarantees in our employment relationships, fostering a more equitable relationship between employers and employees.

Embracing True Meritocracy

Professionals expect career advancements to be merit-based. Employers should aim to minimize the influence of personal biases and favoritism on promotions and raises. By incentivizing individual contributions, we can establish a system that genuinely rewards merit and nurtures career growth.

Transparent Advancement Processes

Unclear and non-transparent advancement processes are unjust and designed to hold people back. Employers can build trust and motivate employees to advance their careers within the company by implementing well-defined and transparent advancement policies.

Valuing Loyalty, Respecting Boundaries

While loyalty is a valued trait, employers must recognize that they do not own an employee’s time. Respecting employees’ personal lives and advocating for a balanced approach can help create a more supportive and healthy working environment. Clearly defining how an employee can create value is crucial.

Respecting Personal Time

Employers should be mindful of the boundaries between work and personal life. Pressuring employees to attend company events is not acceptable. Monitoring employee time is far less effective than simply gauging the value generated within a given time frame.

Fair Employment Contracts

Employment contracts should enable employees to grow both professionally and personally. By crafting fair contracts that do not excessively restrict employees’ options or hinder their professional growth, employers can contribute to a more balanced and empowered workforce.

To truly promote a fair and equitable working environment, consider:

  • Fostering a light and positive atmosphere
  • Maintaining an open mind to diverse perspectives
  • Encouraging open communication without fear of recrimination
  • Adjusting for inflation
  • Communicating the larger context

In many organizations, information is still disseminated through gossip, which often bypasses diligent employees focused on their work. Success at work has long hinged on having the right conversations with the right people, yet this approach undervalues those who work hardest. Some individuals prefer to focus on their work, avoid office politics, and maintain a more professional attitude.

Employers play a critical role in recalibrating the power dynamic. By reassessing policies, championing work-life balance, and fostering transparency in career advancement processes, leaders can cultivate a more just and equitable working environment. The future of the workplace depends on our collective efforts to prioritize fairness and equality. Together, we can create a workplace that genuinely values and supports each individual’s growth and success.

Abstract of chill working environment
Abstract of chill working environment



Zvi Epner

I build flexible and reliable software for fun and profit.