System Design — Buzzwords to revise before going for an Interview — Part 1

Key terms to revise before your next technical interview.



Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Client-Server Model

A client and server networking model is a model in which computers such as servers provide the network services to the other computers such as clients to perform a user based tasks.

Protocols in networking

In networking, a protocol is a standardized set of rules for formatting and processing data. Protocols enable computers to communicate with one another.


HTTP requires a TCP connection, HTTP is an abstraction over TCP.

Overhead of creating UDP connections is much less than TCP connections(because of the concept of handshake in TCP)

UDP — Would be best for Data Steaming services as negligible time is required to form a connection.

TCP- Can be used to form more reliable connections.

HTTP vs gRPC protocols

HTTP protocol uses ASCII characters to communicate between the services/resources, to reduce the latency of the protocol, we can use gRPC protocol instead which uses binary characters to transfer/communicate data.

Latency vs Throughput

In any system, we want minimum latency and maximum throughput.

But what is latency and throughput?

Latency: Time taken between the time at which the response was sent and the time at which the request arrived at the system.

Throughput- Number of requests processed by a system in a unit of time.

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Peace! ☺



I am a tech enthusiast, love reading about tech, love problem solving and the unboundedness in the stuff we can learn and implement is what excites me everyday.