What is Sense of Place?


Source: Mike Deere

A sense of place is when people feel a longing of belonging towards a place or a city they are familiar with. When people visit a place for the first time, there is a feeling of anxiety and excitement where they tend to explore their surroundings for the first time. If they enjoy the place and it has led to a positive emotion, then they will re-visit or return to the place. This sense of returning to the place frequently and having that deep connection with the place makes the ‘space’ become a ‘place’ of meaning and connection. The particular place whether it be a public space or an office building, if it has led to a positive consequence, then people will return, leading to a sense of place. This is particularly important in public spaces and outdoor space. If the planners and architects create a place of belonging and an ambience where people can feel comfortable and convivial, be it the artwork or the fountain or the seating or the footpath or the grass area or the safe feeling one feels in the public space, the architecture of the space contributes to a sense of place.

Source: media.cntraveler.com

It is important to understand the concept behind sense of place so that people can appreciate their surroundings and more planners create environments where people…



Thejas Jagannath
Interviews and Articles on Art & Public Spaces

A young professional in New Zealand. I enjoy writing on many topics including interviews. I have completed a Masters in NZ. I like cities, coffee and books!