Why You Should Visit the Sculpture Garden in Musee’ Rodin


Auguste Rodin has tremendously transformed the Paris art scene and given the people marvelous sculptures to ponder and think about. Not only do these sculptures influence the city of Paris but they also provide landmarks for people to associate with. While I was reading the Lonely Planet travel guide to Paris I was mesmerized by the city’s beauty in particular its public spaces and art scene (public and private).

As I have a deep interest in sculptures I was drawn towards Rodin’s artworks. From Luxembourg Gardens to Notre Dame and Place des Vosges, Paris has a lot to offer. However, this article will focus on three most influential sculptures by Rodin in Paris which are situated in Musée Rodin, a famous museum in Paris. Some of these artworks can be seen in the garden outside the museum which displays a total of eight artworks. Since it is in a garden, the sculptures can be attributed to a public space although situated in the confines of the museum. Some of Rodin’s sculptures are also located in the public spaces of Paris.

  1. The Thinker — This artwork is probably the most influential of Rodin’s sculptures. It makes people think and wonder while contemplating about its significance. The sculpture is of a naked man who is in a thinking position “sitting on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as though deep in thought and is often used as an image to represent philosophy.” This also represents the everyday nature of humankind where we have to think about our actions before we do them…



Thejas Jagannath
Interviews and Articles on Art & Public Spaces

A young professional in New Zealand. I enjoy writing on many topics including interviews. I have completed a Masters in NZ. I like cities, coffee and books!