Los Angeles DJ Phatrick on the future of music & the making of his Lithium cover

An interview with Los Angeles DJ Phatrick of Lagrima Music and his release of his Nirvana Lithium cover

Jimmy Thong


I’ve known DJ Phatrick since we weren’t legal drinking age, making comedy sketches about everything needing (and not needing) commentary. Now, he’s got a kid, I got muscles, drinking red with new vocabulary, still talking the same ole’ shit.

Consider making a cover like Hunter S. Thompson, re-typing “The Great Gatsby” word-for-word, simply to know what it would feel like to be Fitzgerald.

This is DJ Phatrick, a Devil’s Pie DJ, on Cobain’s guitar.

Graphic by DJ Phatrick

Why was Lithium chosen to cover?

DJ Phatrick: Lithium was always one of those songs that never stopped captivating me. It’s a great example of Kurt Cobain’s gift as a songwriter. Lyrically, it’s an extremely deep and complex analysis of relationships, religion, and self-medication. He’s talking about curing heartbreak with religion but comparing that whole experience with taking a sedative!



Jimmy Thong

Makerspace Teacher, Code Coach, Amateur Home Cook, Writer