Erdoğan Köse
Published in
9 min readFeb 13, 2020


The Process of The Construction of New Capitalism in Particular With Facebook’s Libra and Our Approach…

Let’s briefly talk about what Libra Project is.

The details of the project can be found here in this link ;

Libra is a project led by Facebook and brought together from 28 multinational companies in the first place. These companies are world giants in their own fields of work and they operate in many fields. A project that brings together billion-dollar companies of the internet age ranging from Visa and Master to Uber. Although it basically looks like a blockchain-based cryptocurrency, it is developed to establish a stable currency under the control of these companies. Dollar and Euro are the currencies that will be equalized in the first place. Over time, it will be able to parity with other currencies. These companies and new participants will get a share of the commissions and the added value to be produced in their initial participation rates. They have participation shares of $ 10 million. It’s open to new participants, but it will get new players with more difficult and tighter control. In the first place, they state that their aim is to include about 2 billion people outside of the financial system and make their lives easier. They will also support aid projects from the benefit that will going to occur. An important solution will be to make a big hole in the high-cost banking system and minimize the money transfer and usage costs. A joint company called Calibar was founded in Switzerland, and with a wallet called Calibara, money transfers and shopping can be made in channels such as Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram. 28 companies that are stakeholders of this subject will be able to sell their products and services by integrating them with Libra through Calibara. It was announced that this would be their general terms and approach. It is not for the traditional investors and traders like other Crypto-currencies. In the first place, we will see what time will bribg and where it evolve to. The activity will start as of 2020. It is at the stage of project and development. Facebook has been preparing for this project for about 2 years. A new programming language for the establishing of this project is under the development and continues. They announced that the money movements of all Libra-related activities will be open to see and traceable. Facebook is gave their word to provide refunds and give 24 / 7 live support to Libra users if they suffer a loss or anything goes wrong. Those who are curious can learn more about the details of this from the internet. I only mentioned in general.

Let’s come to what it will bring and will take ;

A revolution that started with Bitcoin about 11 years ago and where the individual could produce his own money for the first time in history, laid the foundations of the Libra project today. Blokchain software technology, which has proven its strength and reliability, forms the background of both the Bitcoin and Libra projects. Starting with the individuals, we are going through a process of evolve into joint money operations, including companies and firms. As I mentioned in my previous articles and also in the programs that i participated in, humanity itself is facing a big break and a paradigm shift. Resisting it will be an empty and a meaningless effort. As with any new idea or business, it will take some time to understand and digest.

My prediction is that the ultimate goal of this whole project is to be a joint move against the current financial system and govermental authority. We can say it is a countermove, when the Project was announced , many countries including. EU , USA and G7 stated their saying of that they will not allow it if it is not in an agreement with their rules and their expectations. However, it does not seem possible to prevent its coming. Maybe it can be hold for a while to prevent such. tensions , that’s all. The Libra project is, walking the path that Bitcoin has opened which we also take place with Intexcoin, Intexpay, Intexpalace and Intexcharity projects, is a result of 10 years of total effort and struggle. Facebook doesn’t just make its Project on his very own which is a very clever move. They set out on a new course with a company with very large and prestigious partnerships. Which was a very correct move from them. World giants such as Amazon and. well-known individuals have made their own cryptocurrencies, but the market has always been distant from them. This experience seems to inspire Facebook. If Libra only belonged to Facebook, I think their fate would be similiar.

Still, there are those who are distant, and who are totally critical about it. My approach is always wait and see what happens. It is earlier to make any judgment. Another important issue is that fraud activities have already started through Libra. Libra sales, which are not even real, were attempted to be made through fake sites. It is always useful to follow all developments on the official site of the project owners. G7 countries think that Libra project should be subject to strict rules in many subjects, both in cryptocurrencies and in particular.

However, the real concern is that the cryptocurrency ecosystem and this project will open a serious hole in the current financial system. The first 28 partners of this project are billions of dollar companies and billions of customers and users, we can presume they have the power to stand up to the G7 countries. In addition, there is no possibility that the existing structure will be able to last much with similar associations formed by new and strong players. Change is at the door and it is impossible to resist. The common feature of these 28 companies is that almost all of their customers are internet users. These companies have a wide range of services and products ranging from transportation to e-commerce. They use the power of the digital age. They are multinational partners and they provide services and products to the world. Against this project, which targets the states and the current banking system, of course, the main actors of the current order will take a hard and threatening position. But it will be a meaningless and a futile effort. We are at the beginning of the road to the construction of new people and new civilization. When we analyzed our thousands of years of history, the changes and leaps were based on some motor factors and spread over hundreds of years. Of course, this period is much shorter today and progresses rapidly with many improvements. Despite all these factors, we are at the beginning of the internet and space age. The developments are very fast and dizzying. As I have already mentioned in some of my writings, the paradigm shift of humanity has already begun. The current order has to change.

According to the statements of the Libra association, their primary goal is to reach approximately 1.7 billion people who are outside of the financial circle. This also means new customers. :) A common feature of these companies is that they play to the same customer base. The great strength here is to try to reach new customers outside of the game.

Until about 30 – 40 years ago there was a struggle between capitalism and socialism. Communism was a big threat to private property. Now, the understanding of capitalist state is an obstacle to huge companies. We are witnessing the struggle of new and revolutionary capitalism based on the power of technology against the existing structure. :) This is just like a snake’s molting. There is a new understanding that we can call “renewed” individual capitalist. !! Nowadays, it is clear that goverments do not have a function in many fields except money printing and security. Wealthy individuals have already met all their needs with their own means.

Cryptocurrency and money, the most basic function of the mechanism called the goverment has now changed hands. It is almost impossible for goverments with old-fashioned and non-tech executives to see and keep up with this change that started 10 years ago. The struggle is in a way between the old perspective head and the perspective new head. It is already time to completely and redefine life and people in the age when the individual was able to print money with Blokchain, and the phenomenon called trust started to be moved to the virtual environment with Blokchain and smart contract systems.

As a last word, in essence, with Blokchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Intexcoin, we have to understand the Libra consensus, which is a new leap, to read it correctly and to create our places in the big Picture itself and “ evolve from being a player to being a playmaker “ in this making.

If we compare Libra with other cryptocurrencies and our domestic project, Intexcoin ecosystem;

Cryptocurrencies are a technology that is too important to remain as an investment tool that is valued and traded in a hormonal fashion. Thousands of such coins are now dead investment. They offered great expectations to their investors and subsequently caused great losses. Even Bitcoin is a money that cannot go this way. As a matter of fact, the situation of the bitcoin in the last 2 years makes me right.

According to us, cryptocurrencies, which are used in trade and can make a difference with their solutions in problematic areas and motivate their users will continue on their way.

Others have already reached the end point. When it first came out, that becoming rich story with Bitcoin and a few other cryptocurrencies is a thing of the past. For some momentary gains, it is possible to coincide with the opatations of the manipulative groups and it is possible to suffer great losses. We have done almost everything which Libra targets with our ecosystem, with the ecosystem we have created in and around our own cryptocurrency, Intexcoin.

The new generation payment and wallet system of Intexpay, which is also used in business integrations, which can also be used for merchant search engine and charity purposes, is the first cryptocurrency used in the world where maybe Libra will be used, first with only cryptocurrencies and known currencies. Intexplace, which is a secure shopping portal for c2c (such as ebay, alibaba), been designed and implemented as a large ecosystem with Intexcharity, a first in its field, in terms of its operation and approach, where commissions from all our activities and donations from supporters will be sent transparently and directly to those in need in a sustainable cycle.

Our aim is to make Intexcoin available and to make it a sustainable money based on real life. We will start this as a solution to both investors and problematic areas, which as a first step it is going be to taking care of the homeless. We will open it to the whole world by making use of it from the problems such as environmental problems to animal rights in proportion to our strength.

We said why not on the way, we have proved that we can do powerful and valuable works. We have attracted the attention of Oracle, one of the biggest software and technology companies in the world, which is a proud development for us.

There will be an important cooperation soon. We will also announce when this togetherness takes place. Oracle will add value and strength to us. We received an important cooperation invitation from, the world’s largest cryptocurrency ATM manufacturer, approved by independent authorities. We met with them at their Prague offices. After Ico, intexcoin will take its place in these ATMs. The company has also integrated YTL into their systems. In case of a request from ourselves, these ATMs will be placed in a design that we want and also be placed in the desired parts of the world. Of course, at the rate of we cover their costs. We will have made an important contribution to Intexcoin’s cycle.

We need new partners and financial Support.

We have read the world correctly and have seen the direction it will move a long time ago and we continue our development in this direction. The ecosystem we created confirms my writings.

We believe that we are an important opportunity before ICO for those who want to invest. We expect those who want to be one of the playmakers of the changing world to contact us by examining our projects. We have spread to nearly a hundred countries with nearly 4 years of experience and knowledge. This is a very large mass and a real opportunity for a cryptocurrency.

We need both project content, technical support and financial support. I must state that we are open to all new and constructive ideas. We broke new grounds with Intexcoin, which comes from our country and has investors and activities in many countries. If we see the necessary support, we can make a voice all over the world just like Libra.

Why not … With Best Regards.

Erdoğan KÖSE

Intexcoin & Intexcharity /CEO

