Local Leather-Goods Maker Shifts Production to Help Combat COVID-19

Emily Elizabeth
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2020

Story Inspired by Lauryn Schneider

During this unprecedented time, various parts of the retail and fashion industry are stepping up to fill the alarming deficit of personal protection equipment (PPE) required for not only those individuals putting their lives on the line in our hospitals, but now for everyday citizens. We are all feeling the strain of this scary period in our history, but it is important to highlight those that are doing everything they can to keep everyone safe. Many big businesses have gotten a lot of press and attention for their amazing support of those on the front lines and monetary donations to disaster relief, but what about the little guys? So many local makers in the fashion industry have stepped up to make professional masks both to sell and to donate all over the country, and they deserve just as much recognition as the big businesses do because we are #inthistogether.

Julie Meyer Handbags is a local designer company based in Minneapolis, MN that creates handcrafted leather goods such as bags, wallets, and belts. Every piece is made with the highest of quality in both production and materials and the designs are somehow both innovative and beautifully classic. Recently, she has shifted all production from her normal leatherwork to creating reusable cloth masks (as recommended to be worn by health professionals and the CDC). For every mask she sells, she will be donating a mask to a healthcare professional in need on the front lines, and she is donating 10% of all sales to the Artist Personal Emergency Fund through Springboard for the Arts, which is providing COVID-19 related emergency relief for artists. For a small local artisan company to be so dedicated to doing what they can to help the community is a big deal.

Here in the Midwest we are all about community and will always support each other through emergencies; if there has ever been a time for us to come together it is now.

