Adult+Impact: Bella French

The Adult+Impact series celebrates those visionaries from the Adult Industry who are tackling some of the world’s greatest challenges to build a better future for us all.
4 min readApr 29, 2019


Bella French — Co-Founder and CEO, ManyVids

ManyVids is the fastest growing adult community in the world with over 2.3 million active members and more than 60 thousand independent content creators producing, promoting and distributing content via video-hosting and live-streaming services.

Heavily invested in philanthropic initiatives, the platform prides itself in being an inclusive place where adult workers can fight for equality, celebrate diversity, speak out against serious issues such as violence and abuse perpetrated against performers — and ultimately — thrive independently.

Co-founder and CEO of ManyVids, Bella French, is quickly becoming one of the most influential faces of SexTech.

Bella French, co-founder and CEO of ManyVids, is a proud entrepreneur, activist, media personality and model. As the creator and frontline leader of a multi-million dollar marketplace, Bella has drawn a formidable collective to stand with her and combat injustice in the landscape of adult entertainment. Her impactful voice on women’s issues and sex worker rights has made Bella one of the most influential names in SexTech today.

Why do you believe it is important to mix profit with purpose?

More than ever, entrepreneurs are striving to build businesses that positively impact the world, and people want to feel connected to the brands they support through their values, vision and mission statement. Ours is to help content creators thrive independently by providing them with care, assistance, and tools to succeed.

The demand for authenticity is high; C-Suite leaders are required to be transparent to gain trust from their consumers and employees as they seek to be aware of what is real and authentic.

By eliminating the unknowns that tend to seep into every industry and providing truths by leading with your why through purpose, only then can companies truly begin to reap the benefits and triple their bottom-line.

There are plenty of causes worth fighting for. But for many people, it is difficult to find one that truly resonates. How did you identify yours?

Nearly one in five adults are living with a mental illness in the United States, impacting people from all backgrounds across all kinds of occupations, so it’s important not to further stigmatize adult entertainers as being more prone to these issues simply because they are sex workers.

What we do know is that adult performers face challenges that make accessing support difficult, such as stigma and shaming from health professionals or internalized stigma that may lead them to believe they don’t deserve mental healthcare. My goal will always be to provide a refuge for adult entertainers to be sexually free.

How do you motivate your team to get onboard with your vision and values?

I lead my company by example along with complete transparency which translates itself into motivation. By allowing my team to be aware of the collective vision helps us to drive towards prosperity which is a success for all.

What is the biggest myth you’d like to dispel about the adult industry?

Sex workers are at the forefront of innovation. Their efforts contribute to the world’s economy. Adult entertainers and film stars are champions of growth who push society forward and are much more than a damsel in distress looking to make a quick buck as many would say.

“More than ever, entrepreneurs are striving to build businesses that positively impact the world, and people want to feel connected to the brands they support through their values, vision and mission statement,” says Bella French, co-founder and CEO of ManyVids.

For ambitious impact entrepreneurs, caring for our health and wellbeing is critical. How do you like to disconnect and recharge?

I must be honest; since I live and breathe to help sex workers blossom into successful entrepreneurs, it has been a challenge to disconnect. I love what I do; however, caring for my health and wellbeing is essential to be my best for the people I lead. I achieve this mostly through fitness, meditation, and daily positive affirmations.

Who is someone that inspires you and why?

Jack Ma inspires me. He is a visionary that never gave up on his dreams regardless of the obstacles he may have faced along the way he kept moving forward. It’s incredibly challenging to see your failures as an opportunity for growth, and he was able to do it so eloquently by forever changing online consumer habits and behaviors of people worldwide. That’s an impact.

“I live and breathe to help sex workers blossom into successful entrepreneurs,” says Bella French of ManyVids.



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