Solving as part of development: turn complaining into action

Spark Digital
intive Developers
3 min readJul 28, 2021


Frustration comes easily whenever we find bumps in the road during software development. Working in an unfamiliar environment, legacy codes, sharing tasks when we are used to doing them on our own, checking decisions before every step, are examples of these obstacles that could make us feel constantly dissatisfied, or even worse, make us feel like accusing or resenting others.

However, anticipating these problems and assuming an active and positive stance instead of letting oneself be stuck in negative reactions can be a game-changer for the team, the project, the company, the client and even your professional future. Everybody wins!

Peter Bergman’s article for the Harvard Business Review elaborates on the problem of complaining: “Complaining is a violent move to inaction. It replaces the need to act.” He also explains that complaining creates collateral unexpected situations that waste our time and compromise production, reinforcing dissatisfaction, distrust and creating a far from constructive influence.

Turn complaining into action

Here are some ideas to turn complaining into action:

  • Feel and accept the need to let off the steam and turn it into fuel for the project to move forward. Transform that energy into productive action.
  • See challenges as a learning opportunity.
  • Ask for and offer feedback. Share your thoughts.
  • Negotiate and build solid solutions.
  • Promote cooperation bearing in mind that teamwork will take you farther faster.
  • Assume your responsibility when appropriate.
  • Take hold of your own future considering every step as a chance to grow both personally and professionally.


Regardless of your position, whether you are a developer, an analyst, QA, UXer or any other, try to be proactive, a team player, try to find creative solutions and compromises. Finding solutions instead of overanalyzing what went wrong may be the difference between frustration and taking the bull by the horns.

Additionally, every obstacle helps you strengthen both your technical and your soft skills. The more unexpected situations you handle, the less “unexpected” they will become.


Responsibility and commitment are as key to the clients’ needs and to the smooth performance of the company as they are to the creation of a favorable environment where creativity is nurtured, goals are achieved and people are motivated to work productively.

Acknowledging your mistakes and forgiving others’ creates assertive solutions. In other words, own the process and the results, aiming at excellence and expansion at all times.


Desiring positive results is a great motivation when trying to overcome obstacles through action. This desire to complete a task, known as “hunger” or “thirst”, is an asset for a software developer. Moreover, the ongoing delivery of partial results creates a positive experience.

For any company (as well as for life) soft skills are as essential as technical skills. Likewise, in an IT company, willingness and commitment are as important as expertise in coding or software technology.

Pablo Gamba — Director of Technology @ Spark Digital



Spark Digital
intive Developers

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