Rapid reads — Edge Computing Essentials: Deployment Strategies, Tools, and Frameworks

This article is the last of the series on edge computing for ML, if needed more context please refer through the previous articles here

Now that we approach the end of this series, the final and one of the most important topic that remains is something called as ‘closing the loop’. We are talking about deployment and tools and frameworks essential for implementing everything we discuss in the previous articles.

Deployment Strategies

Deploying machine learning models on edge devices requires careful consideration of various strategies to optimize performance and resource utilization. One common approach is on-device deployment, where the model is deployed directly onto the edge device itself. This strategy offers low latency and privacy benefits since data processing occurs locally without relying on cloud services. However, on-device deployment may be limited by the device’s processing power and memory capacity, restricting the complexity and size of models that can be deployed.

On the other hand, edge-cloud hybrid deployment combines local processing on edge devices with cloud-based computation. This approach leverages the benefits of both edge computing and cloud services, allowing for more resource-intensive computations to be offloaded to the cloud while maintaining low latency for critical tasks on the edge. Edge-cloud hybrid deployment offers scalability and flexibility, enabling organizations to balance computational requirements with device constraints effectively.

The choice between on-device and cloud-based deployments involves trade-offs in terms of latency, privacy, scalability, and cost. While on-device deployment offers lower latency and enhanced privacy, it may be constrained by device limitations and lack scalability for complex models. Cloud-based deployments, on the other hand, provide scalability and flexibility but may introduce latency due to data transmission to and from the cloud, as well as potential privacy concerns related to data storage and processing on remote servers. Organizations must carefully weigh these factors and consider the specific requirements of their use case when selecting a deployment strategy.

Efficient model updates and management are crucial for maintaining optimal performance and accuracy on edge devices. Techniques such as incremental learning, federated learning, and differential privacy can be employed to update models on edge devices while minimizing resource consumption and preserving data privacy. Incremental learning involves updating the model with new data samples incrementally, reducing the need for retraining the entire model from scratch. Federated learning distributes model training across multiple edge devices, allowing models to be updated locally without sharing sensitive data with a central server. Differential privacy techniques add noise to training data to protect privacy while still allowing for accurate model updates.

Tools and Frameworks

Several tools and frameworks have been specifically designed to optimize machine learning models for edge devices, addressing the unique challenges of limited resources and real-time processing requirements. TensorFlow Lite is a lightweight version of Google’s TensorFlow framework optimized for mobile and embedded devices. It provides tools for model conversion, quantization, and inference optimization, enabling efficient deployment of machine learning models on edge devices with minimal memory and computational overhead.

Another popular framework for edge device optimization is ONNX Runtime, an open-source runtime engine for running ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) models on various hardware platforms. ONNX Runtime offers high-performance inference across CPUs, GPUs, and specialized accelerators, making it suitable for edge devices with diverse hardware configurations. It supports model quantization, hardware acceleration, and custom operators, allowing developers to optimize models for specific edge computing environments.

When selecting a framework for edge device optimization, organizations should consider factors such as model compatibility, performance, ease of use, and community support. TensorFlow Lite and ONNX Runtime are two prominent frameworks that offer comprehensive tools and documentation for deploying machine learning models on edge devices. However, other frameworks like Apache MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow.js may also be suitable depending on the specific requirements of the use case and the target hardware platform.

Comparing popular frameworks can help organizations make informed decisions about which tool best aligns with their needs and objectives. Factors such as model compatibility, performance, ease of integration, and community support should be considered when evaluating different frameworks. Additionally, organizations may benefit from consulting case studies and benchmarking reports to assess the real-world performance of each framework in edge computing scenarios.


  1. “Edge Computing: A Primer” by Mahdi S. M. Najafabadi et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.07617)
  2. “A Survey on Deep Learning in Edge Computing” by Yingying Zhu et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.10205)
  3. “Edge AI: Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the Edge” by Liming Zhu et al. (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2021/05/Edge-AI-White-Paper.pdf)
  4. “TensorFlow Lite: Machine Learning on Mobile and IoT Devices” (https://www.tensorflow.org/lite)
  5. “ONNX Runtime: High-performance inference engine for ONNX models” (https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime)
  6. “Deep Learning for Edge Devices: A Comparative Study” by Vikram Gupta et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.10732)

Well, for now, this is it. Now you hold enough knowledge to go and explore this beautiful field of edge computing for Machine learning. Hopefully you learnt quite a bit. Enjoy and please hit me up in any of the platforms mentioned for any questions or collaboration. Cheers!

