Rapid reads — Unveiling the Power of Edge Computing in Machine Learning


Edge computing, as the name suggests, occurs at the network’s periphery, where computing is closest to the data source. This proximity ensures data security and rapid processing, provided the device possesses sufficient capabilities.

In the realm of machine learning, edge computing finds significant application, particularly in IoT implementations. With AI increasingly integrated into applications gathering data from remote and compact devices, ensuring secure data transmission and accessibility becomes paramount. Examples of edge devices include mobile phones, CCTV cameras with embedded chips, and commercial devices like NVidia’s Jetson Nano series.

Moreover, the demand for generating AI insights on live data underscores the importance of edge computing, minimizing transmission overhead and optimizing processes that rely on immediate data access.

The Challenge?

But why the need for additional effort when deploying ML models on edge devices? Two major reasons emerge:

  1. Limited computing power and memory: Unlike heavy-duty GPU machines typically used for ML model development, edge devices offer smaller computing power and memory.
  2. Limited energy: Constrained by size, edge devices have limited energy capacity, often lacking continuous power sources.

Given these constraints, optimizing ML models for edge devices becomes imperative, bridging the gap between edge computing and machine learning.

Now that you grasp the essence of edge computing and its relevance to on-the-go ML model deployment, let’s delve deeper into the core concepts in the next article. Stay tuned!

