3 Psi Skills You May Develop Through Dreamwork

The Link Between ESP and Dreams

Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Into the Dream


Photo by Andrew Spencer on Unsplash

Since I was a young child, I have suspected a link between extrasensory perception and dreams. The YA books with paranormal themes I loved and voraciously read as a kid strengthened this conviction.

Nonetheless, it would be many years into adult life that my unsupported theory (and wishful thinking) would show any evidence of truth.

My journey into dream research and my decision to become a dreamwork practitioner began with a psychic dream. It wasn’t the first psychic dream I’d ever had, but this particular dream’s resonance with waking life events the following day was strong enough for me to finally believe there was some significance to the experience.

In the 11 years since that dream, through independent research and direct experience, I’ve arrived at a moment that 8-year-old me would be super excited about: Extrasensory perception is a part of my own personal experience.

I believe dreamwork is to thank for the increase in occurrence, the expansion of my skills, and most important, the awareness and self-confidence required to know when I am “using” these abilities, and how.

It’s a funny statement that last sentence, isn’t it? The idea that I would not know when or how I am using…



Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Into the Dream

Dreamwork practitioner, researcher, writer. Healthfully obsessed with dreams, time, & memory. To learn about one-on-one dreamwork, visit jenmaidenberg.com