Best Practices for Precognitive Dreaming

Dream journaling is an essential and useful tool

Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Into the Dream


In 2018, I interviewed scientist and author Dr. Dean Radin upon the publication of his book Real Magic. At the time, I was occasionally interviewing authors for a newspaper, but I was super excited for this one as it was the first time I would interview a parapsychology researcher.

On a more personal level, I was looking forward to the opportunity to talk precognition with Radin, who has studied the phenomenon and published papers with new findings related to the extrasensory ability.

I was nervous, as I am sometimes at the beginning of these calls, but I managed at one point during our Skype session to mention to him that I have had precognitive dreams.

Radin asked me for an example, and the one I gave referenced dreaming of a place I had never visited in real life that later, the next day, I would see show up as photograph someone else shared on Facebook.

Radin was unimpressed. He made some comment that basically implied this was a common occurrence. Common? Dreaming what you would see the next day on Facebook? I didn’t know anyone who could do that!

In an effort to remain professional, I didn’t react to Radin’s non-reaction and moved onto my next question, more…



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