How to Remember More Dreams

And Why Bother With Dream Recall or Dreamwork

Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Into the Dream


Photo by Jen Sonstein Maidenberg

For years, I was always surprised when friends or family would claim to not remember their dreams. I would be even more incredulous when someone would say to me, “Oh, I don’t dream.”

What? How could that be? My dream life was always so active, rich, and plentiful. I had so many dreams, even as a child, and dreams inside of dreams. How is it that someone else had none?

Since I started researching dreams, however, I have become ever more certain that everyone dreams, and the issue is less about dreaming and more about dream recall.

Certainly, sleep plays a role. If you struggle with insomnia or if you are a light sleeper and easily disturbed, you may in fact not be falling into a deep enough sleep in order to make it to REM, which is the primary dreaming stage of sleep. However, REM isn’t the only stage of restfulness that allows us to access dream-like visions or imagery.

When you really start slowing down and paying attention, you will find you sometimes start dreaming even when you believe you’re still awake. This is called hypnogogia. It’s that transitional state between wakefulness and sleep.

We can experience it during the day, as well; while trying to nap, or even while trying to stay…



Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Into the Dream

Dreamwork practitioner, researcher, writer. Healthfully obsessed with dreams, time, & memory. To learn about one-on-one dreamwork, visit