5 Reasons I Want To Build A Nikola Tesla Sex Robot

Into The Raw
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2016
Nikola Tesla, my favorite man from planet earth

I didn’t create that title for clickbait reasons. I’m actually serious. I don’t have much money right now, but that’s not stopping me from constructing elaborate fantasies which I have every intention of following through on when funds become available to me. Nikola Tesla is my favorite man from planet earth.

I use the word “is” because I’m currently doing a lot of research on him. Every day I listen to his audiobook, My Inventions. I’ve listened to it three times through so far, and have not been successful in absorbing all the ideas contained within. I intend to continue listening to it as it has the strange and nice effect of reinforcing my thinking abilities. Tesla was was very good at writing his thoughts and perceptions about the world. Most people study Tesla and only focus on his inventions. I study Tesla to learn how his mind operated. The more I learn, the more I fall in love with him. And his physical self is beautiful, too. I can’t think of a better combination.

I know you clicked on the title to read about the other more revealing reasons and here they are.

But let me tell you something before I divulge the most intimate details of my fantasy life:

Us women have been living in your male fantasy for our entire lives.

Your fantasy is everywhere. It lives and breathes and stinks up our internet. Your fantasy is confused for our fantasy. Your fantasy world has subconsciously infected our fantasy worlds and we are mad as hell because of being constantly thrust into your objectified sick world of abuse and domination. We know it will never stop, and in fact, male sex fantasies are being realized at a heart-stopping rate. You may wonder, “Where is all this rage coming from? What do you mean?

The truth is this: women have not been encouraged to explore their own fantasy worlds. In fact, the word my friends and I used in college to describe the female experience of being aroused is throb-on, which is not in the dictionary. Sad. The only place it exists is in the online Urban Dictionary. And guess who provided the definition? ME! I am Wrongland.


The throbbing feeling a woman feels in her clitoris when she is aroused. The female version of a hard-on.

We got each other so worked up last night — I had a massive throb-on.

by Thanks, Wrongland… April 12, 2008
-Urban Dictionary

Women are subjected to male fantasies and are expected to play roles they never created. That sucks. I think this may be changing with the younger generation (I refuse to use the word mille*&ial). I think most women of the world are enslaved to one degree or another: financially, emotionally, sexually, the list goes on. I’ve experienced a little of this as well. I dipped into that slave cauldron long enough to get the fuck out.

The only truly original female-created fantasies are ones created in a total vacuum: inside the walls of institutions or the minds of artists, writers and lesbians. At least in my fantasies, the men have working legs and digits.

I’ve lived in a fantasy world for my entire life. It is why I make art like the ones pictured above. But it’s only recently that I cast off my shame around my art and thoughts. I don’t care to hide my true nature any more. Hiding hasn’t served me well. And it doesn’t benefit future generations, either.

I am comfortable in my fantasy world. I love what I’ve created, am creating and will create. It is a vast arena of idiosyncratic, surreal images, thoughts, philosophies and dreams. Daydreaming is actually my favorite activity. It is where the wild and generative thoughts emerge without stress. It is the definition of abundance. You have it too, but you do not know this yet.

Le Chatiment by Chris Von Steiner

A male artist and acquaintance of mine, Chris Von Steiner, (who happens to be gay) was responsible for making me feel good about my own collages. We had an exchange recently via fb messenger and I learned that our similarities go pretty deep: we both grew up in the country, exploring vast woods with abundant animals and we both consider daydreaming to be our favorite activity. Also, we both gravitate towards introversion and generally like our art to continually change, evolve as our creativity expands. We both admitted that we feel like children. The conversation was mind-blowing because there were so many similarities in our personalities. He was completely different from what I thought he was going to be like.

So here are the top reasons I want to build a Tesla robot:

  1. Nikola Tesla was the most admirable human to have ever lived on earth. He’s worthy of immortalizing.
  2. I’m deeply in love with Nikola Tesla and would considering marrying a Tesla robot.
  3. A Tesla robot wouldn’t force me to give blowjobs. I hated giving blowjobs because I am a supreme germaphobe.
  4. I would be much happier to have a “man” in my life
  5. I would feel that my insane ideals had been met (finally).

And by the way, my Tesla robot doesn’t need to have a dick.

Why? I know how to give myself the best orgasms, better than any I’ve ever received from a living man.

You are only feeling shock right now because I am a woman speaking the truth. You probably didn’t think women had these thoughts. We do. I do.

That’s ok. Your world shocks me on a daily, minute to minute basis.

Now it’s time to get rich.

My current favorite authors are Ellie Guzman and ☀️Rama☀️

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

I feel better spilling my guts all over your screen,


