City of Night and The Boys in the Band

Jeffrey Field
Into The Raw
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2016

City of Night by John Rechy is the only book I put down in disgust. I was 17. Loved to read everything, including cereal boxes at breakfast.

Crazy cause I fucking love Lou Reed’s repertoire.

Maybe I couldn’t finish the book cause I was just a kid? Should I take another look?

Time, my time, is fast running short. Infinite Jest sits at my bedside, unread.

But it’s the wrting, what I do here, my obsessive compulsive drive to get it all down before I’m gone. A legacy? Stella will never read any of my work here, so, in that, I am safe. I bring forth all the bitter bile I can grab and I leave it here. For you. But why?

Remember David Bowie’s death song?

I didn’t much like it on first viewing. Haven’t watched it since. Maybe I will and maybe I won’t. Eureka! I get what he’s done. The drive to keep it up. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop. Until you die. Yeah, I get that now.

I was 24 when I watched The Boys in the Band. I loved it. Especially Harold the Jew fairy.

I think I am the Jew fairy.

I watched it again last night on YouTube. Harold the Jew fairy is the only character I can identify with. I love this fucking film. (Stella walked out on it.)

I have a $200,000 life insurance policy. I need to die before my 70th birthday, otherwise Stella will get, what? Twenty grand? I want her to have it all.

I am so conflicted. Torn between a death wish and the drive to keep on keeping on. I suppose that’s why I play the lottery every week.

“Everything’s a number, man.”

Zeroes and ones. Off/On. Polarity. I am the fairy Jew. I am not the fairy Jew.

Flip it.



Jeffrey Field
Into The Raw

It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at