I Haven’t Had Sex in 6 Years

Into The Raw
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2016


I haven’t had sex for 6 years. Not only have I not done it, I have not thought about it, either. Ok, there were about 6 days in 6 years where I considered having sex with someone. My sexual fantasies have for the most part disappeared. Gone. Zapped. The thought of touching someone in a sexual way is repulsive to me. I have regressed to an immature state. Because my sexual motives have disappeared, I can talk to any man, even super intelligent, successful or attractive ones, with great ease. It’s much like I’ve turned into a block of wood that is fashioned into the shape of a human. I’ve lost nearly all sexual impulse. The only thing I do is masturbate on occasion. I have the take or leave it attitude, even with this, though. I used to be a sex and fantasy addict, so this is a big deal to me. This is perhaps the most beautiful gift I’ve ever been given because I am free again. I’m no longer a slave to my sexual desires.

I’m not attached to the idea of attachment. I no longer feel that attachment will be able to dissolve the void that is buried within my interior. I have come to accept the void within me and I no longer waste energy attempting to find humans to dissolve it. All of my previous attempts to remove this void have failed. I’m left with just one option: to fully embrace and accept the great emptiness that lies concretely within my interior. I have come to understand that no one or no…

