Relationship between mind and awareness.

The mind contains the seed of awareness.

Dr. Niranjan Seshadri
Into Awareness


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Everything in existence emerges from a seed form. The Big Bang is the seed of the physical universe. Every tree was once a seed, and this is also true of the human body. With the body comes the mind in a seed form.

The growth of the human body occurs autonomously. It is nature’s gift to us. We are not conscious of the changes happening within, and as the body grows, so does the mind. The unconscious intake of a multitude of sensory impressions fuels the mind’s exponential growth.

As the mind expands, it begins to manifest a busy stream of thoughts. It is not easy to stop the mind from accumulating and displaying thoughts. That is the nature of the mind. Lost in that growth is our peace of mind and happiness. As we begin to seek happiness from the world, unwittingly, we get more enmeshed in the mind.

The same mind, which can be busy and troublesome, also contains the vital ingredient for the next step in our transformation. It is an inward process and involves the expansion of awareness.

Somewhere in the mind is the seed of awareness. It is up to us to recognize it and foster its growth. Unlike the body and the mind, awareness cannot unconsciously sprout and grow. Awareness lies buried under layers of the…



Dr. Niranjan Seshadri
Into Awareness

Physician I Author I Transformational Philosophy - Awareness and its power to transform. Learn more-