Three elements of success

Mind, energy, and devotion

Dr. Niranjan Seshadri
Into Awareness


Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels

There are three critical elements for success in any endeavor.

  • Mind
  • Energy
  • Devotion

Luck is the wildcard. It is the icing on the cake. Unless we work on the three elements, chance cannot do much for us.

The mind is like the branches of a tree, our energies are like sunlight, and our devotion to the task is like a tree’s root system.

Success is the fruit we all seek for our efforts. It does drop out of the sky. It is not an isolated event.

Just as a fruit cannot grow in isolation, it needs nourishment from the roots of a tree, support from its branches, and energy from the sun; to succeed, we need the mind, energies, and devotion to the task. All three have to be in alignment. Otherwise, success becomes a pipe dream.


The mind is the foundation for our success. Before any idea bears fruit, it will have to germinate and grow in the mind. Keeping the mind fresh, clutter-free, and organized creates the ideal conditions for new ideas to thrive.

Visualization is an excellent way to clear the mind. Imagine looking at the wide-open sky and mentally draw the core elements of a chosen idea on that space…



Dr. Niranjan Seshadri
Into Awareness

Physician I Author I Transformational Philosophy - Awareness and its power to transform. Learn more-