ITB Releases New Suite of NFT Analytics

The release includes indicators for collections, collectors and about the NFT space in general.

Jesus Rodriguez


A couple of months ago, we released the first version of IntoTheBlock(ITB)’s NFT analytics and we promised that new features were coming soon. Today, we are unveiling a new batch of NFT indicators that provide unique insights about this segment of the crypto market. This release was based on carefully curating capabilities requested by active collectors and thought leaders in the NFT community. The goal of this release is to bring in-depth, rigorous analytics that help NFT collectors and creators better understand the activity in the space.

The new release of ITB’s NFT Analytics can be summarized in three core set of capabilities:

1) Collection Analytics

ITB NFT Analytics now includes insights about thousands of NFT collections. You can start with the top collections view or simply search the collection you are interested on.

Image Credit: IntoTheBlock



Jesus Rodriguez

CEO of IntoTheBlock, President of Faktory, President of NeuralFabric and founder of The Sequence , Lecturer at Columbia University, Wharton, Angel Investor...